How To Identify Nylon Lanyards And Polyester Lanyard
Future-lanyard / 2014-03-28

The difference between nylon Lanyards and polyester Lanyards materials that burn the most simple method:
Polyester lanyard easily ignited, the flame that is almost collapsing, melting the side edges of black smoke when burned, yellow flame, emitting aroma, dark brown ash after burning lumps with your fingers to crush the residue after burning easily pinched broken. feeling aspect.polyester feel relatively rough, polyester lanyard with the fingers scraping obvious traces.
Nylon lanyard huddled close to the flame that quickly melted into a white gelatinous, white smoke burning in the flames burning dripping melted and bubbling, no flame burning, difficult to leave the flame continues to burn and emit unpleasant taste after cooling the residue after burning light brown and difficult to crush, nylon lanyard feel relatively speaking very relatively smooth, with no trace of the finger scratch.

Nylon Lanyard

Polyester Lanyard


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